But as we walked towards my car - me with my two 3rd year med students and my co-intern - I realized that I ought to warn them.
Just so you guys know, my car is a mess.
I'm sure it's fine!
No really, it's a giant HIPAA violation, I just toss all our patient lists in my back seat. Also, I feel compelled to tell you guys that I've only been driving for eight months. Just in case you want to drive with our attending instead...there's still time to run over to his car...
Somehow, I still trust your driving more.
So then we were off. And as I focused on making sure that I drove safely, I suddenly realized that my two med students were making faces at my co-intern, and when they saw me watching, they all simultaneously burst into laughter.
What!! Why are you guys laughing!
Michelle. You disclaimed all these things...messy car, student driver...but you never told us that you listen to country music!!
P.S. $5 to whomever correctly guesses who my attending is in the above picture.