I don't know why, but I can't bring myself to blog about new York. I tried, but every time I write anything, I immediately feel the need to delete. I can't put down my thoughts, my memories, about my trip, without feeling as though I'm tainting it somehow. Making it trite. So instead, I'm just going to jot down all of my sound bites. And maybe, later, when I'm farther removed from what a wonderful time I had in New York, I'll be able to write something that does my trip justice.
Food and more good food: Cafe Orlin, Mud Cafe, 9th Street Market, Veniero's, the little Venezuelan place complete with swaggering waiter, Serendipity 3, Seoul Garden, Mandoo Bar, Arthur's Landing (in jersey), Ginger's, Katz's, Patsy's, Magnolia Bakery, Tavern on the Green, Oh! Taisho, genuine New York pizza and white pizza from ghetto on-the-street holes in the wall, Bryant Street Deli and its amazing pineapples and oranges.
Afternoon jaunts: Guggenheim and the Smith sculpture exhibition, Central Park Zoo, Battery Park and the Statue of Liberty, Times Square and the Hershey not-so-factory, the huge Toys R Us, shopping on 5th, window shopping on 58th, the Met, more traipsing through Central Park, stumbling across Lincoln Center, paying our respects at the WTC memorial site, finding our way into Europe via New York and theArc d'Triomphe, reenacting SNL skits/Center Stage/Serendipity, lottery tickets and cloudless dreams, nuts 4 nuts.
Night life: proof, 2 NYU boys named Jason, Kavanaugh's, the W's downstairs club and unisex bathrooms, sitting in apartments relearning things about each other, random catcalls from the street and interesting pickups.
Truth: I'm a little too in love with the island.
4 years ago