I like making other people happy. It makes me happy.
So it was my best friend's birthday last Wednesday, and after all is said and done, he treats me pretty well - he feeds me food stolen from random lunch meetings, draws me cute cartoons guaranteed to brighten up the stormiest of days, is always willing to be my plus one to even the girliest of events (though he sometimes agrees begrudgingly), and doles out the best hugs ever.
Oh, and he's our class president. Which means that while he treats me pretty well, he treats the entire class even better. He takes meetings with deans, sets up mock anatomy practicals, emails out cute cartoons of our class mascot defeating those unit exams of death, and takes important class issues to senate (such as our smelly bathrooms and our need for a coffee maker in the student lounge).
He's a good person.
So for his birthday, his number one fan and I decided we wanted to do something really spectacular for him. As a thank you for everything that he has done for us individually, and our entire class of 2010. And because I like making people happy - and I knew he'd love it.
We made t-shirts. Invited all 170 students (and some teachers by accident). Decorated his apartment with streamers, balloons, post-it love notes. Bought lots of pop, alcohol, and the best birthday cake a grocery store has ever created. Made him cheesecake and cookies. Wrote birthday poems for him. And surprised the bejeezus out of him.
Now I can't dodge all the questions people have been throwing my way.
People, please. It's quite possible for two friends to be just that.
4 years ago