Sunday, January 13, 2008


This might be a grossly unfair stereotype, but girls are generally very clean. Very clean and very presentable.

I mean, think about it. We wake up an hour before we have to go anywhere to shower, blow out our hair, style it, and then put on makeup. Some girls won't even leave the house without applying product to their eyelashes. Eyelashes! (I can't do the whole makeup thing because I always end up looking like a painted doll or stabbing myself in the eye and getting mascara on my contacts. It's strange, but very true.)

Our clothes always smell like fresh laundry and besides that one week during finals in undergrad when the laundry room was always fully in use and The GAP was completely out of new panties, we never ever wear dirty underwear. I mean seriously - it's dirty down there. I've heard tales of some boys wearing their boxers inside-out. That's just nasty. I'd rather wear granny panties that go halfway up my chest than wear my dirty underwear again.

Girls are pretty clean people.

So here's the thing.

Why are the women's bathrooms always so dirty?!?!

I mean, I know some bathrooms are inherently dirty. Public malls. Anywhere Britney Spears has been. The beach.

I'm talking about the bathrooms in my med school's library. Where you technically can't come in unless you're a student or an employee of the university. Meaning that we are all highly educated people who value our health and well-being. Meaning we are all people who know how to hold our pee (and our wee - although I've heard horror stories about the boys' bathrooms as well).

I don't understand how there is always pee and toilet paper on the floor. And, at the risk of completely grossing you out, there's sometimes an occasional used tampon out for everyone to see.

Now, this isn't because we don't have a fabulous maintenance staff who do the terribly dirty work of cleaning up after us three times a day. Because we do. We have a fabulous maintenance staff who clean the bathrooms three times a day. Don't ask me how I know. I mean, maybe I know because I've timed my bowel movements to coincide with the bathroom cleanings so that my dress pants have the most optimal chance of not having to step around pee and poo all over the floor. But that would sound obsessive and bathroom stalker-ish. Which isn't me. Maybe.

I just don't get it. Do people wipe their butt and then deliberately throw their used toilet paper on the ground? Maybe people zip up their pants and just forget to flush. Maybe this is how people rebel for having to pay so much for med school tuition. Yeaaaaah!! You want me to pay $50,000 a year for my education?! Take this!!! Yeah. You stick it to The Man.

We have antimicrobial lotion pumps every two steps at the hospital, learn to wash our hands for the full thirty seconds at the beginning of the year (or risk losing points on our Clinical Skills Assessment!), and we know all the steps to creating a sterile environment. And yet, for some odd reason, we can't seem to figure out sewage.

Yes, we are the future doctors of America.