I think God created PMS to test boys.
I think God created PMS to make sure that the boys that hang out with us, the boys that we're willing to jump through hoops for, are worth all the conversation overanalyzing, the bouts of insecurity, and all that waiting by the phone. [If I ever find out who created that whole three day rule, I will personally chew their head off.] God wanted to make sure that those boys would be willing to wade through fire swamps , scale cliffs of insanity, and fight rodents of unusual size. Because once a month, I turn into a snarling, overly hormonal, overly emotional, three-headed monster.
But at least I know it, right? I apologize to those close to me, sometimes two or three days in advance, before I snap and eat their children for dinner.
I mean, girls are pretty great. Most of the time. If you're sick, we'll come through with a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Yes, we'll even stove top it for you. Nothing but the best Campbell's Soup for you. There will be no talk of microwaving. We'll fold laundry, help with dishes, and we're always here with compliments and words of encouragement. We'll even buy you an occasional cup of coffee to help you through your day. Anything to bring smiles to your face and cause moonbeams to rain down around you.
So I think God created PMS to even out the playing field.
'Cause if you find a guy that's going to understand that once a month, your hormones take over and you are not normal, and that same guy is willing to see you the next day? Maybe even take you out to dinner even though you might have yelled irrationally at him for things beyond his control the day before? Honey, hold on to him. Well, first apologize for your terrible behavior. And then make sure you let him know that you appreciate it. That you appreciate him. And that you know you're actually quite lucky. Because he's willing to climb mountains and ford streams for you, with you.
It's a little sucky, I know. To have to put up with a whole lot of crazy around the beginning of every month. But, if I'm gonna suffer through the worse cramps ever once a month, it only makes sense that boys should suffer a little too, right?
Just be glad that it's only temporary.
I personally think the cramps might be a little worse. Just a little.
4 years ago