Friday, October 17, 2008

Funny face

Oh the election campaigns are finally making me laugh. And it's not because of some crazily ridiculous thing that Sarah Palin said, or the outrageous claims that are coming out of both camps. Seriously, watch the videos below for some good old-fashioned smiles and giggles. Obama and McCain address all those negative comments and ads they've been throwing at each other, and it's pretty freaking hilarious. Who knew Obama and McCain would be so willing to poke fun at themselves?

Those speech-writers, or whomever wrote those jokes for them, definitely deserve a raise. Or a tax break. Whatever their respective campaign platform calls for. From Obama's "I love the Waldorf-Astoria - I hear from the doorstep, you can see all the way to the Russian Tea Room!" to McCain's "Oprah Winfrey calls him The One, but as a friend and colleague, I just refer to him as That One" both of the politicians were personable and funny, and it was just really great to see.