Once upon a time, a sleep-deprived young woman went to medical school to learn how to become a doctor.
On glorious wonderful days, she only had two hours of lecture. On terrible gloomy raincloud-infested gray skies days, she had four hours of lecture. Now, you might think that this sleep-deprived young woman was merely a big whiner, but brains are only so big, and can only hold so much information. Even with the help from a little sidekick named Coffee.
Today was a terrible gloomy raincloudy day. Oh crap, she thought as she opened her eyes to the annoying and cloying sound of her alarm. But nevertheless, the sleep-deprived young woman dragged herself out of bed and prepared herself for four hours of mind-numbing medical knowledge.
So as the young woman sat there in class, trying desperately to be like a sponge and soak up as much knowledge as she could, the third hour of lecture began and she realized something. This 3rd hour lecturer was someone different!! He was a substitute for the 1st hour professor! At first the young girl smiled brightly and said hallelujah as she cried tears of joy in her head, for the 1st hour lecturer had mottled things up and confused her brain greatly. And when things are that low, how much worse can it be?
But oh, you silly second year med student, you forget that it can always get much much worse.
As the 3rd hour guy starts talking, the young woman's head begins to explode, for you see, the man can barely speak English. Taking a subject material that is already difficult and throwing in a foreign language component just makes this all a recipe for disaster. And thus begins the agonizing trip through the third hour of lecture.
At 10:59am, a fellow young student raises his hand and lets their lecturer know that even though he is on slide 21 of 70, they have another lecture at 11am.
The 3rd hour lecturer can't believe it, "This class goes until noon!"
"Yes, but we have another lecturer," says the student, politely but firmly.
"Oh, I don't go until noon?" he asks, confused.
"No!" comes a booming voice from behind a pillar.
Lo and behold, it is the 4th hour lecturer, who had snuck in the back door just 10 minutes ago.
"Oh I'm so sorry! Um, let me just finish very quickly. Um....may I have just a couple of minutes to finish? SO SORRY!" he says, while looking meekly at the foreboding 4th hour lecturer.
The 4th hour lecturer appears to ponder this over, and when he seems to give the slightest of nods, the 3rd hour lecturer pounces and starts taking us through the rest of the slides.
Except he proceeds at the same pace as before.
The class titters, but no one says anything.
The clock slowly ticks away, and after another agonizing ten minutes but only five slides later, yet another student raises his hand to inform the 3rd hour lecturer of the time. "Oh, but I still need to show you..." the 3rd hour lecturer begins to say. But the 4th hour lecturer can't take it anymore, and cuts him off, "NO, YOU ARE DONE."
It turns out that the 3rd hour lecturer was a fellow. And the 4th hour lecturer? Oh, he was merely THE CHAIRMAN OF THE DEPARTMENT.
The young sleep-deprived girl then went to the library to study, and was sad that she could not yet take a nap.
And so they lived very unhappily ever after.
4 years ago