Saturday, March 07, 2009

Gives you hell

My brain decided to give up a couple of days ago. Call it burnout, call it laziness, call it spring fever, call it whatever you want, but last week, my brain threw up its proverbial arms and threw in the also-proverbial towel.


I don't know exactly what happened, but I just cannot cram any more facts into my head. Things go in, but more things go out. And I'm sitting here reading my syllabus, but totally not understanding. It's like AP French Literature all over again.

And the thing is, it almost seems pointless. I studied my butt off the past five weeks, and still, my exam yesterday was very difficult. Full of nitpicky questions about the heart that almost seemed a little bit unfair. What happened to just understanding the big concepts and having the little details fall in line? Thankfully, I wasn't alone. Almost all of my classmates walked out of the exam looking a little worse for wear, the same shell-shocked expression on my face mirrored on theirs.

But now, we have to learn what is arguably one of the harder units - neurology - in just two weeks. We have full lecture days leading all the way up to the day of the exam, and today, when I cracked open the syllabus to look at some notes, my brain just gave up.

To the course directors, congratulations. You have broken me.

The next two weeks are going to be pure hell. And my brain has decided it wants to take off for vacation two weeks early. Fantastic.

I just don't see how I'm going to pull through this.