Last week, I noticed that quite a few of his patients had last minute concerns. I would be waiting to present the next case to him, and I would see him duck into the office lab and come out with a cup of liquid nitrogen.
Yup. Our patients had some genital warts that they didn't want to tell me about. Three patients, in fact. In one day. No joke. And no, not a single one of them mentioned it to me when I was taking down their problem list. Way to make me look like a terrible med student, patients. Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Later on that day, as my preceptor and I were sitting in his office writing up our progress notes, I summoned up my courage to ask him about the liquid nitrogen.
So the office has liquid nitrogen on tap?
Yeah. We see a lot of genital warts and it's just easier for me to do it. Since I've known most of them for quite a long time, I think they're more comfortable talking to me about it. Don't beat yourself up about it.
Oh, okay. Thanks. [long pause] I actually had a favor to ask you...and of course, please feel free to say no, since I know it's kinda awkward and all that.
Well, I know it's weird to treat a student, especially off the record, so again, please feel free to decline, but I've got a wart [pointing to right index finger], and it gets irritated a lot from just daily activity, and so I was wondering if you could burn it off for me...
Whoa, what!? You want me to do what?!
So the office has liquid nitrogen on tap?
Yeah. We see a lot of genital warts and it's just easier for me to do it. Since I've known most of them for quite a long time, I think they're more comfortable talking to me about it. Don't beat yourself up about it.
Oh, okay. Thanks. [long pause] I actually had a favor to ask you...and of course, please feel free to say no, since I know it's kinda awkward and all that.
Well, I know it's weird to treat a student, especially off the record, so again, please feel free to decline, but I've got a wart [pointing to right index finger], and it gets irritated a lot from just daily activity, and so I was wondering if you could burn it off for me...
Whoa, what!? You want me to do what?!
Turns out, he wasn't looking when I was embarrassingly trying to ask him to burn off my finger wart. And given that he's used to burning off genital warts...well, it's easy to see how he got the wrong idea.
[blushing like crazy]
On my finger! I have a wart on my finger!
[sigh of relief]
Oh sure. Haha! That's fine. Just remind me tomorrow.
[blushing like crazy]
On my finger! I have a wart on my finger!
[sigh of relief]
Oh sure. Haha! That's fine. Just remind me tomorrow.
I never did ask him again about it. I figured my mid-clerkship grade was due soon, and the less conversation about warts - genital or digital - the better.