Today's my day off. And I had big plans for it. Big giant do-everything-you-can-so-real-life-doesn't-get-in-the-way-of-Martin-visiting plans.
I was going to finally finish my study abroad application. I was going to fine-tune my personal statement and send it to all my letter of recommendation writers. I was going to clean my apartment and have people over for an actual sit-down dinner. I was going to study and do questions. I was going to finally tackle that molehill of laundry that has slowly evolved into a mountain. I was going to clean everything - my sheets, my blankets, and even my pillows, because I had just read on some do-it-yourself website that the more often you wash your pillows, the fluffier they are. My pillows had never been washed since I bought them a year ago. And my pillows were becoming flatter and flatter pancakes with each passing night.
So I woke up this morning, threw 2 pillows into the washing machine as instructed (to balance it, of course), and sat down at my computer to do a block of Step 2 questions.
Sixty minutes later, I finish my block of questions and answers, and go out to the kitchen to grab a Sunkist.
And the moment I open my bedroom door, my foot splashes into a puddle. Literally. Splashed. As in, my foot went down, and water came up and splattered around my ankles and calves.
Sometime while I was figuring out 44 questions, my washing machine overflowed. Leaving me with a giant lake in between my room, the kitchen, and the bathroom.
I threw down every single towel, rug, doohickey, and doodad I owned, hoping to absorb most of the water before it soaked down through the ceiling of my neighbors downstairs. But there seemed to be no end to it. My roommate had the good sense to call the maintenance people (not just for clogged drains, friends!), who finally came with this huge water vacuum. It was amazing. But not at all useful, unfortunately.
So now we're sitting here, with very damp carpet, and industry-sized fans blowing the crap out of it.
Per maintenance people, the fans need to stay on for 2 days straight. 2 days. 2 days of mindnumbingly loud whirring and shirring from this stupid fan, for this stupid lake.
Real life stuff really asserted itself on my day off. I just thought it was going to be real life application stuff. Not real real life. But I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles.