Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Preach it sister. Tall is not cute. To all those people who have been envious of my height, read the article. Because it's completely true. From the bigfoot shoes (all in ballerina flats) to never having a guy rest his chin on my head (romantic notion that shall never be fulfilled) to never worrying about getting my drink jostled in clubs...well, I found myself nodding along while reading that post. Blake Lively is a gorgeous gal, and while we may have absolutely nothing in common, she and I do share the trials and tribulation of being 'tall, but not cute.'

I'm trying to finish up my South Africa posts this week, so then I can devote the rest of my time to Chicago and my final experiences as a med student, and then, it's on to graduation and moving to Los Angeles. It all seems quite surreal and daunting, and well, I worry for my future patients. Seriously, you're trusting me with patients? Really?

I still need to find a place to live in. And I need to take my permit test and finally learn how to drive so that I'm officially driver licensed in time for me to drive to the hospital for work.

It's gonna be a jampacked month.