1. Learning how to drive like a crazy Asian lady. I am the stereotype. And I fully own it.
2. Failing the driving test at the DMV because I am a crazy Asian lady driver. But also because I didn't want to run over any pedestrians. Who knew? Apparently you're not supposed to yield to pedestrians when they're walking against the light. Thanks DMV. Cue NBC ping. "The more you know."
3. Psychiatry-ing my way into passing my next attempt the very next day.
4. Driving between LA and Diamond Bar to move my fifty million boxes.
5. Moving into my gorgeous new apartment and assembling all my furniture on my own. Without the help of assembly instructions (seriously, it doesn't help if the instructions aren't in ENGLISH). But it's all good. Things might be lopsided and drawers might not open, but hey, it's standing. Now, question: if my couch is super comfortable, do I really need to put together my bed?
It's been a crazy two weeks, as predicted, but I am woman, hear me roar, indeed. Lots of fun posts on the way!