I cook, yes. But I don't really bake. Even though stereotypically I should. I mean, I'm a girl, I'm Asian, and I'm on a pediatrics rotation right now. All signs point to me baking.
I don't.
But for Martin's birthday, I decided that I wanted to bake him a cake. And for some odd reason, I got this cake stuck in my head for inspiration: the most delicious cake in the world from Ronald Dahl's Matilda.
I wanted it to be so delicious that Martin would want to eat the WHOLE thing and feel sick. But sick in a good way.
Like the character Bruce Bogtrotters. I mean, look how happy he is! Even as the Trunchbull is about to whack him over the head!
So I baked Martin a cake for his 29th birthday. And because he's a big boy, I made sure to double the amount of rum and amaretto the recipe called for.
For your present this year, I will refrain from smashing cake in your face. Even though it makes me so happy to do so.
Happy birthday Martin. <3