Tuesday, August 22, 2006

You can't stop the beat

Not again.


I mean, seriously?! You have got to be kidding me.

You all remember my last neighbor. Loud. Obnoxious. Total frat boy. Constantly playing his music at deafening levels, and having crazy kinky sex along with it. You remember him.

I moved into the city a couple of weeks ago. Out of suburbia. Out of dorm rooms. Far far far far away from annoying white boys who think they're all that (and honey, really...what do you have? A car? A job? Money? ...cause you sure ain't got no looks). Out of Evanston. Into Chicago. Into peace and quiet. My own apartment. My safe haven.

Or so I thought.

This morning, I woke up around 5am to someone knocking. Though I was a little surprised I could hear my neighbor's door so clearly, I was positive that nobody was coming to visit me. So I rolled over, pulled my pillow over my head, and went back to sleep. Two seconds later, it finally registered in my head that there was definitely no one at my door. And no one at anyone else's door either, for that matter. See, the banging that I was hearing? Definitely accompanied by some heavy moaning. And by moaning, I mean crazy loud "oh baby"s and "yeah!"s.


People. Please.

Learn how to have sex a little quieter.

I mean. Honestly!

I'm a med student. I need my sleep.