Overheard in the hospital lobby...
M3 post-call
Neurosurgery is terrible man! They're mean to you, AND they don't let you do anything! I mean, every single day, they drain all the happiness out of me...at the very least they could let me write a note right? But no. I could sell my soul to the devil and STILL not be allowed to do anything.
Another M3 student also post-call
Yeah dude. My attending mentioned the other day that the neurosurgery department is a little harsh.
First M3
A LITTLE harsh?!?!!?
Second M3
Well, it was a general surgeon saying it.
First M3
Oh yeah?
Second M3
Yeah, I told him I had specialty next, and that it was neurosurgery. And he just kinda shook his head at me...
First M3
Man, you know it's really bad when the other surgeons start pitying you.