Monday, September 22, 2008


Yes. I am red. And my men are clearly doomed. What can I say? I'm a lover, not a fighter. Also, I never played war games of any kind when I was little. That would go against all the Saturday morning cartoons' teachings! Yeah, My Little Pony and Care Bears - colorful mascots of doing good and being kind. Those were the days.

But in my defense, I will have you know that I still had my #1 guy who could potentially kill off ALL of his men, if I played my cards right. And by cards, I mean, my only other player. Never mind that I would never be able to capture his flag because it's hidden in a vast field of bombs. The point is, I still had my Marshal whereas his was killed off early in the game by a lowly SPY. I'm not bitter, I just don't know how to play Stratego.

Not pictured: Martin's cheat sheet, where he marked where every single piece was, and consequently, was very deftly able to avoid my ill-placed bombs.