I've been stressing out about this Thursday more than anything. Because not knowing where Martin's going seems more stressful than knowing he's going to a location so competitive I won't be able to follow him in a year. I know, it doesn't make all that much sense. But the unknown is always scarier!
Anyways, Martin is kind of a superstar. President of the class, founder of this or that club, good grades, good scores, awesome boyfriend. I've never worried about him matching at a top program, much less not matching at all. However, Martin worries. And whenever Martin has voiced fears about the match, I've always rolled my eyes. I mean, seriously, it's like Johnny Depp worrying that he won't be a good actor playing the Mad Hatter, even though it's just a crazier nonsensical version of the Willy Wonka character he's already pulled off. Or Steve Jobs worrying that he won't make a ton of money off of gadgets merely by putting an "i" in front of everything - iPod, iPhone, iTouch, iMac, iHome, iPad. Or me not finishing a tub of ice cream in one sitting.
It's now Sunday - the day before the Scramble - and Martin bought me a huge tub of ice cream because of my especially black cloud of an obgyn call.
I need you to tell me that I'm not going to scramble tomorrow. AND DON'T ROLL YOUR EYES WHEN YOU TELL ME.
[just as earnestly as him]
You're not going to scramble. Seriously. Why would you even think that?
But what if it's a FUBAR?!
What the heck is a FUBAR?!
Fucked up beyond all repair.
Hahaha! [seriously] Martin, you are NOT a FUBAR. Not even close. I saw a woman with fourth degree lacerations today...when we went to assess her cervix, we pulled out fingers contaminated with poop. That's a FUBAR.
[going back to his work]
Hahaha! That is FUBAR!
Hey! I'm not finished!
But I feel better now! I am reassured!
Let me finish! Look at me! You are not a poo-filled vagina!
I need you to tell me that I'm not going to scramble tomorrow. AND DON'T ROLL YOUR EYES WHEN YOU TELL ME.
[just as earnestly as him]
You're not going to scramble. Seriously. Why would you even think that?
But what if it's a FUBAR?!
What the heck is a FUBAR?!
Fucked up beyond all repair.
Hahaha! [seriously] Martin, you are NOT a FUBAR. Not even close. I saw a woman with fourth degree lacerations today...when we went to assess her cervix, we pulled out fingers contaminated with poop. That's a FUBAR.
[going back to his work]
Hahaha! That is FUBAR!
Hey! I'm not finished!
But I feel better now! I am reassured!
Let me finish! Look at me! You are not a poo-filled vagina!
He really isn't. Still, I will keep everything crossed for him that he doesn't have a FUBAR and have to scramble tomorrow. Even if I will roll my eyes while doing so. While eating my giant tub of ice cream all in one sitting.