You know, I probably would have thought this was so romantic circa 2006, but today, when I was reading it on PostSecret, all I could think was that this card is selfish.
What if the girl has moved on with her life and is done with you, wants nothing more to do with you? And now you're just gonna show up on her door and be like, marry me? The fact that he doesn't know if he's too late, means that he hasn't talked to her, doesn't know what's going on with her life. And he wants to marry her? No, he wants to marry some ideal that he's created in his head. Ugh, and that whole "I'm ready" makes it seem like he's the one holding all the cards, and now that he's ready, she'll just jump into his arms.
I hope she turns him down. Girl power!
I guess I've become very jaded when it comes to romance. And that makes me feel old.