I looked up and smiled brightly, "That's me!"
I had done my stalking the night before, so I recognized him from the program's website. I was apparently meeting with the residency director first. "Dr. Waggert - so nice to meet you!" I stuck out my hand, pleased that I was able to show him that I had done my research, that I knew who he was.
He stared at my hand, mumbling and stumbling over his words. "I- I uh, no - I um, no - uh, I uh, I-don't-shake-hands. Mmhmm, no hand shaking. No no." He shook his head at my outstretched arm, as I hastily processed what he was saying to me and withdrew the offending hand away.
I followed him into his office, still completely taken aback by that exchange.
But it only got worse. Much worse. He asked me ridiculous questions - about policies the nation should enact to protect the environment, to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels. And then he started asking me about Northwestern's psychiatry program. How many attendings we had. What type of research they were doing. What papers had been recently published by Northwestern faculty.
And the whole time, he was sitting there, blatantly reading my application for the very first time.
Then when it came time to dismiss me, he didn't shake my hand, but instead said, "Well, we were very impressed by your application, and we hope you will consider our program. Nice meeting you again, Melissa."
I smiled politely. "It was a pleasure meeting you too sir, and just so you know, my name is actually Michelle."