Friday, January 21, 2011


I've decided that if I ever do end up writing a book about how the hell I finally made it through medical school and into psychiatry residency, I'd title it Committed. That's all. It's short and pithy, but better yet, it's got that always sought-after double entendre. So I'm just putting that out there, as a sort of placeholder.

Because if you read Michelle Au's blog at all, you'll see that again - terrible things happen to nice people. Someone stole her book cover design. So let's have the nice people finish first for once. Go pre-order her book; her writing is fabulous and funny and insightful, and I can't wait to get my hands on my own copy. And then, if you're a vindictive person like me, go trash the other. Because I read the other person's blog and it is terrible. So terrible that I'm convinced that if that author can get a book deal, anyone can.

Also, will post pictures of the cutest baby ever after the family email has gone out. Because no one should scoop the parents! But trust that he is the most adorable thing in the world.