And I'm getting them all wrong.
Because for all my bravado and outward self-confidence, I'm freaking out. I don't remember anything non-psych. I'm been joking that I'm just going to give all my patients Haldol and that'll solve all their problems, but the truth is, I don't even remember how to order maintenance IV fluids.
I should probably review some neuro, huh?
Sure, why not?
I'm so not looking forward to five hour rounds and "let's play Localize The Stroke!!" Man, I hate that game.
I'm sure you'll be fine. You'll remember more than you think.
Hm, how many cranial nerves are there again?
[stares in disbelief]
No seriously, crap, what's the first one? It's the nose one. Occulonasal? Oronasal? Oh shoot, what's the name! I remember it, I do! It comes out the cribriform plate and is associated with Kallman's syndrome...but shoot! What's the name??
You're hurting me.
P.S. The answer's olfactory. And there are twelve cranial nerves. Bottom line: I'm going to die on my non-psych months. Seriously, I need some Xanax.