Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Naughty or nice

Occupy LA is being forced to shut down tonight by the LAPD. Roads have been closed, and now there are six helicopters circling overhead, beaming red and green lights down onto the street.

Along with seemingly all my other neighbors, I went out onto my balcony to see what the commotion was all about...

...and overheard my neighbor's five-year old son exclaim to his mom, "OH MY GOD. SANTA'S DOING A TEST RUN!! HOW COOL!!!!"

If only it were all that innocent.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Deck the halls indeed

Christmas trees make me happy.

Putting up Christmas trees and decorating them while you're sipping hot chocolate and Mariah Carey's singing in the background? That always puts a smile on my face. 


So after an especially bad week in the psych ER, Martin and I went and bought us a tree and all the trimmings.

Who cares if we put it up five days before Thanksgiving? If Starbucks can start handing out red holiday cups on November 1st, and KOST has been playing nonstop Christmas carols for the past week and a half, I say I can put up my Christmas tree. 


...and AFTER!!

It makes me really happy. Super duper happy.

And it's awfully pretty.

I'm pretty positive I'm going to leave it up until March.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

You never know, it might be in the DSM V

Sometimes there are bad days at work.

So bad that you start to wonder what if. What if I went to my second-choice program? What if I were in a completely different state? What if my program were more therapy-based instead of medication-heavy? What if I had gone to a non-county program? What if this and what if that and what if what if what if.

True story: yesterday night, I scoured the forums to see if Mt. Sinai still has their PGY-2 spot open.

I've had an entire string of bad days this whole week.

The patient load has been extraordinarily high and the work is unending, to the point that I don't stop writing, I don't stop moving from the moment I set down my purse 'til I finally leave the hospital, three hours after my shift is supposed to be over.

I'm just tired. So tired.

I've been so tired that the other day I diagnosed a new mother with postmortem depression, when I really meant to write down postpartum depression.

And it worries me that it's only going to get worse once January starts and I'm headed over to the other side to be a neuro/medicine/pediatrics intern. Lord, give me strength. And give me time to sleep.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

And this is why we never have voluntary admissions

I couldn't breathe, my stomach was cramping, and my heart was pounding so quickly, there were no longer individual beats, but rather just one long systole-diastole hybrid. I was getting more exercise than I had for the past five months combined, and yet there I was. Still running. Still running as fast as I could.

See, I was running after my patient.

My patient, who had seemed so calm and cooperative, who had suddenly bolted from the exam room as I waited for a nurse to accompany him to the unit.

And now he was fleeing, running away, weaving through traffic and between businesses, and the nurse and I were the only people running after him.

Through the lovely streets of East LA.

As part of my psych ER rotation, I get to evaluate people who walk in to the outpatient psych clinic and ask to be seen without an appointment. Usually it's pretty easy, I just have to talk to them for a bit to see if they're suicidal, homicidal, or unable to take care of themselves. If they are, then I take them over to our unit, and if not - I set them up with some follow-up care and I can return to my other duties.

We usually let them wait, because they're pretty low priority. And it's pretty unlikely that a patient gets admitted.

Yesterday, it was especially busy in the ER, and so my patient ended up having to wait five hours for me to evaluate him.

I talked to him, determined that he was endorsing a lot of passive suicidal ideation, so I wrote up his 72 hour hold and got him ready for admission. He sat and waited in one of the exam rooms while I quickly assessed the two other patients who were waiting for me (who did not meet admission or hold criteria), and then we were ready to go.

Except, he suddenly stood up and asked to use the bathroom. As I directed him towards the on-unit bathroom, he twisted away from me and started running.


Shit shit shit.

I started running too, all while yelling at the charge nurse -- "Call a code! Eloping patient on hold!! CODE GREEN!!!! DO IT! DO IT NOW!!!"

I had no time to tell if she understood me, because he was sprinting through the hallways, and I was on close pursuit. And then security came.

Or so I thought.

A security guard was returning to his post, opened the door, saw the patient running towards him, also saw me running after him, and what does he do?

He holds the door open for the patient.

Shoot me now.

So the patient got out of the clinic, and here we were, running down the streets of East LA, as I tried pleading with him from 20 meters behind, pleading with him to come back, to stop, to slow down, to just let me talk to him for a bit. Because I had just put him on a involuntary hold because he said he wanted to sleep and never wake up, that he wanted to accidentally get hit by a bus...and what was he doing? Running through the streets, where the possibility of getting hit by a car or bus - accidentally or not - is astronomically high.

Thankfully, just as my body was about to collapse, three sheriff cars came tearing through the streets, screeching to a halt in a U-formation, blocking my patient's escape route.

The good: they caught my patient.

The bad: they couldn't apprehend him unless I had the hold in my hand -- which of course I had thought to grab as I was chasing my patient in the hospital. Except I didn't. So what do the sheriffs make me do? Run back to the clinic, grab the hold, and then run back to their location so that they could finally escort him over to our unit.

And that, my friends, was my first day back at work after an especially fun and lovely week of vacation. I love my job.

Monday, November 14, 2011

May the odds be ever in your favor

I cannot wait for this movie.

Jennifer Lawrence is perfect. Absolutely perfect as Katniss.


Such desperation. True story: I started tearing up just watching the trailer. I'm gonna be an absolute mess during the actual movie.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

I'm glad our one win of the season was against them

So Nebraska joined the Big Ten this year.

And Nebraska made a big deal about how their abbreviation ought to be NU for Nebraska University.

Only one problem...Northwestern already is NU.

Nebraska wanted us to change ours to NWU or UNU or some other ridiculous abbreviation that made no sense whatsoever. Why? Because they're the better football team. Because they're the program with the national exposure. Because they're consistently ranked on ESPN. Because their games are actually shown on ESPN.

This weekend, we played Nebraska. Our terrible football team went up against the #10 program in the nation.

And guess what? We won.

So Nebraska, here's an ecard for you...

Suck it.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

It does sound the same, especially with a Spanish accent

Today, a patient's family gave me the most adorable gift ever:  a cow made out of marshmallows. On a stick.

Then they told me why they got it for me. They thought my name was Dr. Moo.

Oh my goodness! Did your patient give that to you??

Yeah! Isn't it adorable?? They said it's a cow for Dr. Moo!

Ummmmmmmmm, except it's a pig.

What! No, it's a cow!

Wow, Michelle...did you go to elementary school? Because you must have failed Farmhouse Animals 101....

Laugh all you want, I still think it's a cow!

Friday, November 04, 2011

You just can't argue with that kind of reasoning

Sir, I really need you to keep your clothes on. There are ladies here! And I can see your man bits.

Adam and Eve didn't wear clothes. 

Well, they wore leaves to cover their delicates, and since we don't have leaves, hospital gowns it'll have to be!

No! [gesturing to the other patients] Come! Join me! Throw off your cloaks of shame!

Oh man, now we're just gonna have a full on mutiny orgy in the psych ER. Look what you've done Michelle...look what you've done.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Say, do I know you from somewhere?

Hello ma'am, I'm Dr. Wu. Can you tell me your name?

Can I tell you my name?? How do you not know who I am?!

I'm sorry ma'am...even though you look like a frequent visitor to the psych ER, I can't say I remember your name...

How dare you! I am a Mayan princess! I have diamonds in the soles of my feet! Bow down before royalty!