Sometimes there are bad days at work.
So bad that you start to wonder what if. What if I went to my second-choice program? What if I were in a completely different state? What if my program were more therapy-based instead of medication-heavy? What if I had gone to a non-county program? What if this and what if that and what if what if what if.
True story: yesterday night, I scoured the forums to see if Mt. Sinai still has their PGY-2 spot open.
I've had an entire string of bad days this whole week.
The patient load has been extraordinarily high and the work is unending, to the point that I don't stop writing, I don't stop moving from the moment I set down my purse 'til I finally leave the hospital, three hours after my shift is supposed to be over.
I'm just tired. So tired.
I've been so tired that the other day I diagnosed a new mother with postmortem depression, when I really meant to write down postpartum depression.
And it worries me that it's only going to get worse once January starts and I'm headed over to the other side to be a neuro/medicine/pediatrics intern. Lord, give me strength. And give me time to sleep.
4 years ago