I have med student syndrome.
We started out the year with microbiology, and I was convinced I had a tapeworm. We moved on to hem/onc, and I was convinced I was anemic. During GI, I was positive that I had some early form of GERD. I diagnosed myself with heart murmurs and endometriosis. And during the neuro unit, I blamed my failing vision on multiple sclerosis.
We're now in our psychiatric unit. And I'm now convinced that I have atypical depression. I mean, seriously! From our notes, it's defined as having 2 or more of the following:
- significant weight gain or hyperphagia (usually carbohydrate craving)
- hypersomnia
- leaden paralysis
- rejection sensitivity
Given my propensity to snack heavily on all things from the bread family and my love of hour-long naps, I already fulfill the diagnosis! But lately, I've started to realize that my arms and legs feel a little heavy. And really, show me one person who doesn't get a little hurt or defensive when insulted, jokingly or otherwise. So there you go! I have ALL FOUR symptoms!
My one saving grace is that I'm convinced that every single med student has atypical depression. I mean honestly, who wouldn't? We're stressed, chronically sleep-deprived, jaded, forced to wear itchy uncomfortable clothes to the hospital, and the absolute bottom of the medical hierarchy where it's easy to get dumped on due to our lack of experience and knowledge.
As long as it's not just me.
4 years ago