Let me quote her exact statement:
Well, I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land that you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. And, you know what? In my country, and in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman.
Okay. Seriously. If she had stood up there and purely said that she didn't believe in gay marriage because she had been raised with conservative Christian values, and those religious values dictate that marriage exists only between a man and a woman and blah blah blah, then she might have had a shot at the crown. At that point, you could call her ouster a result of her views. Because that would have been standing up for her beliefs and being a strong and confident woman who does not back down in the face of adversity.
However, I firmly believe that she lost, and rightfully so, because she was completely inarticulate! Have I been reading a different answer? It rambles and doesn't make any factual sense in places. If people could "choose one or the other," would there even be a Prop 8 vote? Or this desperate fight for legalization of gay marriage sweeping across the States? Also, I totally did not know that heterosexual marriage was "opposite." Opposite to what exactly? Also, clearly, not everyone in her country believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman - because as Perez stated in his question, Vermont just became the FOURTH state to legalize it. Also, I'm so glad that you think that you believe it. If you think a little harder, maybe you won't?
Ugh. She lost because her answer didn't make any sense. And now I hate that she's going on talk shows saying that she lost because she stood up for her views. Why not be a gracious loser, and say that the best woman won? No, instead she says things like, "in my heart, I won" and "it may not have been politically correct, but it was biblically correct."
I kind of just want to punch her in the face.
Grace under fire. Isn't that the definition of a pageant queen? I'm sorry, but that answer was anything but graceful. And her behavior since then, has been anything but pretty.
I really hope the crowned Miss USA (Miss North Carolina) takes care of herself and stays out of trouble, because I would not want Miss California cashing in on her first-runner-up status.