Today, I planned for my IRON CHEF CHALLENGE instead of doing my stats homework.
Yes, I looked up rules and regulations, researched iron chef parties (see here - apparently my friends and I are not the first to do such a thing), and then videotaped the Boy selecting names and secret ingredients out of a hat, so that when I sent everyone their secret ingredient assignment, they would know that there was no trickery or shadiness going on. It was all randomized, people; I don't play favorites. (Also, I would link to the video here, but I'm appalled by my messy armchair that is featured quite prominently in the background throughout, so I'm going to pass. You'll just have to imagine it. Or coerce one of the "Iron Chef contestants" to tell you the Youtube link.)
Anyways, now it's 10:30pm, and I'm staring at my homework, realizing that I'd much rather figure out the perfect mango dessert, than determine the efficacy rate of anticoagulation in treating pulmonary embolism.
I can't wait for Friday. And if you know of any delicious desserts that prominently feature mango, send them my way. Because when it comes to mango, I really don't know anything. I don't even know how to peel and dice them.
4 years ago