I mean, really. Seriously?!
At Program That Shall Not Be Named, there were 25 applicants in one day. In other words, a crap load of people. It was nice in some aspects, because I ended up seeing a lot of applicants that I had met before. And it's always nice to catch up and see how the interview process has been going for them. And then it's not so nice, because you end up seeing a lot of fellow applicants from before. [See prior post on slightly strange applicants.]
So anyways, the program director, the chair, the director of this and the director of that, all gave us welcome spiels, and it was all very nice until they asked us to go around the table, introduce ourselves, say a little bit about ourselves, and a quick snippet of "why psychiatry."
We started going around the table, and then I quickly realized I would be giving my spiel after my friend sitting to my right. I would have to give my bland "I'm just a medical student who was fortunate to live in a house all my life" 2-minute intro after THIS guy.
I never thought I'd ever be ashamed of having a roof over my head. Until now.
Seriously. Why, why, why!
I should have just walked out the door, but I actually really really really want to go to this program.
Like, with a cherry on top.
Man, what luck.
What crap luck.