It just sucks that I have to walk by McDonald's every day to get to class. McDonald's and their freakin' AMAZING fries.
It takes every ounce of willpower for me NOT to go in and order some fries off the dollar menu.
And don't even get me started on Lay's chips. So deliciously good, and so terribly bad for you. I won't be tricked by those giant sunflowers smiling down and telling me to feed. (Even though I have been in the past.)
Goodbye, my two loves of my junk food life.
I'll see you in 2009, baby.
In the meantime, hello breakfast. Show me what you've got.
(I also wanted to try to give up soda again, but after downing two Sunkists in an evening, two days after making up my list of resolutions, I've accepted the fact that I will always be a soda-holic.)