It also probably didn't help that we just had a nutrition lecture that basically told me to stop eating lard. And I can't walk up a flight of stairs without getting short of breath.
So last weekend, I threw out my Sunkist (okay, not really, they're just tucked away in the pantry for special occasions), and bought myself some rabbit food and something that promised me the "best body of [my] life."
Ladies and gentlemen, I bought Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred.

And it came in the mail yesterday.
So today, after a DASH-friendly lunch of salmon and roasted asparagus (thanks Grand Lux!), I came home after my more-brutal-than-expected clerkship test, puttered around for a little bit, and then figured I had wasted enough time putting it off.
I put on some comfy clothes, popped in the DVD, and psyched myself up to have Jillian Michaels yell and bring me down, as she does to all the Biggest Loser contestants. And we were off.
And holy cow, were we off. We were switching between windmills and pushups and jump ropes with only 3 seconds in between. Everything was coming so fast, I sweated through my clothes in just five minutes. I had to pause the DVD.
"And that's the end of the warm-up! Let's get ready for strength!" barked Jillian. (Except, she's actually quite nice and encouraging on the DVD and very different from her Biggest Loser persona. So there was no barking, per se, but it makes me feel better to think that I was so tired because she had beat me down.)
Yes friends, I had to pause the DVD at the end of the warm-up. I hadn't even gotten to the actual workout-workout!
It's still on pause. Maybe tomorrow I'll do the warm up + the strength exercises. And then the day after that I'll do the warm up + strength exercises + cardio.
Sigh. I am obese inside. But damn it, I'm going to be a lean fighting machine at the end of the next 30 days. Or the next 90. Just watch, it's gonna happen. I'm gonna make it happen.