How to build a snowman:
1. Find a park with lots and lots of snow. It helps if there was a giant blizzard the last two days. It also helps if the park is right next to your apartment so that you can run back in whenever you need to get hot chocolate and extra socks.

2. Pick a good spot and start scooping snow to build a snowman base. Don't get discouraged when it starts to resemble a pyramid instead of a sphere. Also don't get discouraged if the snow is super powder-y and won't pack well. Just keep scooping.

3. Have the boyfriend start on the snowman's head and torso. Be prepared to smile indulgently when he ultimately gets super excited and starts comparing his snowball to his head. Or foot.

4. Ignore him when he starts doing inappropriate things with his snowballs.

5. Give up on the misshapen base and go find the boyfriend to help him roll snowballs in the ground, in an attempt to make them grow.
And after 1.5 hours, even if the ball is still no larger than your head, take a break and drink some hot cocoa. And then get back out there and start rolling again. Continue to taunt the boyfriend about how your snowball is larger. Ignore him when he notes that his snowball is actually a sphere, whereas yours is a strange lumpy asteroid shape.
6. Put the snowman together. Realize that the torso ball is still too small. Pack some more snow in until it is the appropriate size, or until you realize you can't feel your toes anymore and you really need to go back into the heated apartment. Whichever comes first.

7. Then decorate! And take lots and lots of pictures.

8. 6 hours later - try to wipe off that giant smile on your face when you see little kids taking pictures with your pretty princess snowgirl-snowman.