Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Title courtesy of Mike Chan. As in OMG OMG OMG SNOW! OMG!!! SNOMG!

It's gonna be the new "pwn" or "zomg" -- granted, I still don't know what those words mean, but my little sister uses them a lot, and well, she's supposedly pretty hip. Or at least she used to be. Per the high school yearbook staff.

The Northwestern Intercampus Shuttle -
deserted on LSD, and apparently full of snow!
Today, I was lazy and stayed inside where it was warm and comfortable. I was also one of only maybe five or so non-gunners on my clerkship who decided to take full advantage of the official snow day, and not go to class. Seriously, gunner classmates, we never ever get snow days. Why would you waste such a precious gift from the deans by going to a clerkship where you do nothing for five hours, as you watch the clock and wait for your resident to send you home?

Anyways, I think my priorities are in order. Warmth, sleep, food. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Go check out Jean's blog, because she was far more adventurous than me and actually ventured out into the crazy weather. Weather so crazy, people started making up new words to describe the craziness. Snowsquall. Sleetercane. Etc.

My favorite's still gotta be thundersnow, though.

Also impressive? How well Chicago cleaned up after everything. I mean we went from this:

Yes, this would be Lake Shore Drive
disguised as a parking lot of deserted cars.

to this:

Just kidding. I wish Chicago had magically transformed into a sunny paradise. But all jokes and pictures of California's PCH aside, I was impressed with how well the city took care of itself. Seriously, streets were clear, sidewalks were plowed. No one died. Even though all the news were catastrophizing that this blizzard was going to the be the biggest one ever seen, and "life-threatening" and so on and so forth. The world is gonna end, people. Just not today, and not in Chicago.

Nicely done, Chicago maintenance people. Nicely done indeed.

Hope you all are staying warm, whether it be in balmy California or still-stuck-in-the-snow Wisconsin.