Saturday, June 09, 2012

Truly best friends forever

From: Michelle
To: Lisa, Jeff
Subject: apparently it's best friend day.

so happy best friend day, best friends!

"True friendship isn't about being inseparable, it's about being separated and having nothing change."

Hope you're both doing well in your different time zones. Miss you!

From: Jeff
To: Lisa, Michelle
Subject: Re: apparently it's best friend day

They've got a day for everything now...anyhow I hope you guys are doing well too. Soon I'll be able to cut down on the number of different time zones. :)

From: Lisa
To: Michelle, Jeff
Subject: Re: Re: apparently it's best friend day

Happy best friend day!! I'll be the lone hold out in a different time zone. Though I will point out it is the ORIGINAL time zone we all met in. :-P

We'll see each other soon (at the very latest in September...)

Our ten-year friendship through the ages, in picture format. [Note: although we met in 2002, there are no pictures prior to 2006 because well, phone cameras didn't exist back in the day.]

 JLM, 2006

 JLM, 2007

 JLM, 2008

JLM, 2009

JLM, 2011

We've changed, but then again we didn't. Our baby fat just kinda shifted (and in Jeff's case, into an actual baby.)