Monday, December 26, 2005

rent will be $2 for mediterranean ave.

i don't know what i'm going to make this blog into. some place to write about my wacky hijinks? my secret thoughts? random news articles that i'm always finding? maybe all? well, whatever i decide on, it's sure to be random.

my family and i played board games all last night. i officially suck at word games - we played boggle and scrabble...but the thing is, the moment i see a word that SHOULD be there (i.e. i make a word that's missing two letters, or i see a block of letters that could spell a word if it had an R, etc.) i get stuck on that word and it's game over for me. and my parents kept insisting that nonexistant words should be then we switched to what we thought would be a milder game of monopoly. however, we've had this particular game set for over 25 it's basically falling apart. and none of us have played in a really long we forgot the rules and were trying to make them up as we went. my little sister kept landing on spaces that were already owned (it took her two turns around the board before she finally bought something). my dad started to resent the fact that i continually collected rent from him every time he landed on my spot. my mom, always trying to be the peacemaker, helped my sisters monopolize different strips, by selling them her "land" at warehouse prices. and so we played. one huge dysfunctional family. and it was really fun. it's been a while since my entire family has sat down and played nicely with each other for an extended period of time.

random news fact: apparently we're going to have a "leap second"...the powers to be have decided that we need to insert an extra second so that the earth's rotation is aligned with our clocks again. now...i don't know, but does a second really make that big of a deal? regardless, we're all going to have an extra-long new year's eve...because when we count down to the new year, at the moment the ball drops in your part of the world, it'll be 23:59:60, before the clock goes back to all zeros. read the story here:

off to buy a newer version of monopoly. :)