"Shut up."
First impressions can make quite an impact.
As many of you know, I'll be joining the class of 2011 in August. Technically speaking, I joined that class way back in March, but my heart wasn't really in it. So I held on to my 2010 pride for just a little too long, refusing to unsubscribe from the class emails, choosing instead to gobble up every last morsel of 2010-ness, even when it was mundane things like, "I have Jimmy Buffett tickets to sell! Buy them please so that I can pay my rent in Margaritaville!" And then inevitably, five minutes later, another email would come: "Thank you Jimmy fans! The tickets are long gone...but it's okay, it's five o'clock somewhere..."
You guys probably think that the class of 2010 is made up of a bunch of rednecks, so I should probably clear that up right now. It's not. I think there's only one person in the class from Alabama, and he's Indian. And totally not a redneck. And if I'm honest (which I guess I'm not since I'm blatantly telling you that I just lied), the tickets were actually for Coldplay, which is far more hip and in keeping with the class of 2010, but makes for a far less humorous post. "2 Coldplay tickets, awesome seats, 50 each obo." "Tickets gone. Sorry."
Anyways, long digression aside, the point of this is to tell you that I finally did it. I'm finally on my proper class' email list. Hello 2011.
So like I said, first impressions are important. And I planned out my first email to my new class to perfect detail. I waited weeks for the right opportunity, and when it finally came, I spent ten minutes drafting up a two-sentence email. Just the right amount of friendliness, without sounding desperate (which I am by the way - please please please be my friend), and a free starbucks frappucino offer to go with it! I mean, who doesn't like free coffee?
Too bad that it turned out to be a big scam, and I had to send out a retracting email. (NOTE: THE ABOVE COUPON DOES NOT WORK. DO NOT - I repeat - DO NOT PRINT IT OUT AND TAKE IT TO STARBUCKS. THEY WILL LAUGH AT YOU AND CALL YOU GULLIBLE. Did you really think they would hand out free java chip frappucinos?! You silly silly child, go back to your mother's womb!)
Good one Michelle. That'll really make the friends flock to you.
So yeah, Rachel, my fellow 2010-er turned 2011-er. I agree. It was a really great med11 email.
Who reads class emails anyways?