My two best friends graduated today.
And as they walked across that stage as our dean called them by their full names, with that "Doctor" salutation before it, I gotta admit that I got a little teary.
I am so proud of them, and just a little bit sad that there will be no more spontaneous fried chicken dinners. A little nostalgic knowing that the three of us won't sit in front of the TV for hours on end as we get sucked into the latest Bravo reality show marathon. No more handmade dreamsicle cakes. No more surprise trips to Best Buy and cupcake stores.
But even though those things might not happen any longer - given that J is moving across 5 million state lines, and Lisa across 2 county lines - I know that our friendship is going to last forever. After all, you can't be best friends for seven years, and not have it mean something.
So while I'm a little teary that one chapter is ending, I'm so excited for them and what the future means.
I almost didn't go to graduation today. There was so much to study, hospital patients to see, and board review lectures to attend.
But I went. I played hookey and went. And thank goodness for that. Because it was their graduation! There will always be something to study, some class to attend. But this - this was a celebration. Of their accomplishments. Of our friendship. And how far we've come since that first week of undergrad when I asked the two of them to help me run for dorm government.
My two best friends graduated today. Graduated!
I think I'm still a little in shock.