Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Trouble is a friend

So I tend to freak out a lot. As you may have noticed.

The other day, I was talking to Neil on the phone as he walked back from something, and I was freaking out about boards and third year and the possibility of me dying from food poisoning.

He surprisingly didn't hang up until all my hypochondriac fears were gone, and I was back on track with the studying.

So then I decided to call him back.


Sorry to call back! I just wanted to let you know that I think you are an amazing friend.

[weird noise]
Okay! Go ahead!


Hello? Michi? Go ahead!

Um, I think you are a great friend? Do you seriously want me to elaborate and come up with reasons for why you're a great friend?!

Wait, what?

Turns out that a motorist had driven by at the beginning of our conversation, so he really had no idea what I had said. And thinking that I needed to vent about something (per usual), he responded in kind.

So yeah, we laughed a lot at that.

And then I realized I had already written up reasons for his birthday two years back!

(click to enlarge)

Oh Neil. You are a good friend. Hard of hearing, yes, but a good friend nevertheless.

Yes, I deliberately censored the image. Wouldn't want anyone to be Google-able during interview season, now would we?