No way! his fiancée laughed, shocked by his complete lack of relevant pop culture. He blushed, embarrassed by his obvious obliviousness, but still genially helping me tell the story.
Six or so years ago, he was part of the Welcoming Committee for his Yale college. Everyone was interacting and talking and eating munchies, but there was a girl sitting off to the corner. People would periodically look over nonchalantly (or so they thought), but no one was really talking to her. So Jason, being a good committee welcomer and not knowing what was going on, went over, sat down and struck up a conversation.
Hey - I'm Jason, what's your name?
Oh it's Sarah.
Awesome name! How're you liking Yale so far?
Oh it's good. My roommate seems pretty nice.
Oh good good! ...Um, so what do you like to do for fun?
Oh I ice skate.
Very cool! There's an ice rink near me - Escondido...I don't skate, but I've driven by it a couple of times.
Oh yeah, I've skated there a few times.
Nice. What else do you do?
Um....I play violin.
And with that, Jason was off, talking about everything and anything from the Suzuki Method to orchestra opportunities at Yale to favorite composers and songs. She nodded and mmhmm'd along, glad to be talking to someone. They chatted for a little bit longer, and then Jason noticed something from the buffet was low, and excused himself to go replenish the spread.
And that's when his friends came over to congratulate him on his cojones.
You see, Jason had been talking to THE Sarah Hughes - just a year out from winning the 2002 Olympic Gold Medal.
We laughed as we finished telling the story, probably a little louder than we intended, drunk on friendship and white wine.
Well, his fiancée laughed, wiping tears from her eyes, I guess I should be proud that you didn't mention Michelle Kwan when you were talking to her about ice skating. Could you imagine? 'Oh you ice skate? Don't you love Michelle Kwan? - so sad that girl has never won gold!'