Sunday, December 17, 2006

Embers and envelopes

You'd think I would have learned to never ever leave a hot stove.

Apparently I didn't. And, well, now I have a crazy fear of sirens and fire alarms and angry neighbors.

I'm getting ahead of myself.

Last night, I was itching for a midnight snack, so I decided to fix up a plate of waffle fries. I followed the directions and everything. Turned on the stove to 475 F. Preheated the oven. Arranged the fries in a single layer and tossed them in.

So as I was waiting for my food to cook, I watched the ending to a Friends episode on TBS. Went to the bathroom. Wrapped up my Christmas shopping. Started packing. Sat down at my computer and replied to an email.

Then I smelled it. Something gross. Something burning. Something definitely burning.

And that's when I remembered I was hungry forty-five minutes ago, and had put my fries in the oven.

I rushed to my kitchen, and was amazed by how much smoke there was. Quickly I turned the oven off and yanked the door open. Smoke came billowing out, and as our fire alarm started beeping loudly and insistently, I realized that there was a small fire inside. Apparently, our cookie sheet had changed shape as it heated, and one of the fries had fallen off and caught on fire. I threw some water on it, but the smoke got even worse, and I heard my neighbors' fire alarms start to go off too.

Fire successfully out, I rushed to the windows and threw them open, as I willed the fire alarm to shush. Doors started opening, as my neighbors started wondering what to do.

Do we evacuate? We're not supposed to take the elevator when there's a fire are we? But it's a small apartment fire, and we're on the 27th floor. There's no way I'm walking down 27 flights of stairs...

I silently started freaking out as my neighbors started going around to the different apartments to figure out where the smoke was coming from. I grabbed my Oust can and started spraying like no other. Thankfully the fire alarm stopped, as the smoke started to clear the room.

I left the windows opened and hopped under my covers. But every time I heard sirens, I'd jump up and run over to make sure the fire department wasn't coming for me. See, after that incident in April? My suitemates and I are on fire probation...and I really don't think another kitchen fire would look good on my record.

Now, given that we live right next to the hospital - with ambulances pulling in and out all the time - I've been awfully jumpy.