Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Make me wanna scream

I should have known that today was not going to be a good day.

First it started off with the Worst Taxi Cab Driver EVER. I got in the cab, told him where to go, and then gave him an fyi that I only had $3 in cash so would need to pay with credit card, and if he didn't mind, could I get a time-stamped receipt so I could get reimbused by the med school? I then found myself stranded on the side of the road, late for work and trying to hail another cab at 5:30 in the morning, on a deserted Lake Shore Drive. The kicker is, he demanded my $3 before tearing off into the sunrise. Thanks sir, thanks.

On morning rounds, while I was giving him a sticker, my 5 year old patient decided it would be funny to BITE MY FINGER. Har har har.

During conference, I accidentally fell asleep and whip-lashed into my attending who was sitting in front of me..

Then, later that day, in the OR, I started to feel sick to my stomach. And before I knew it, I had to hurl.

Um, I need to scrub out...

But you're retracting!

I have to throw up.

Oh. Sigh. Okay then. You can't hold it?

Uhhh... [vomits into mask] I guess not.

Oh my goodness, yeah go scrub out.

[after the surgery is done, he finds me in the post-op area, with my head between my knees]

You okay?

No, I don't feel so good. I'm really dizzy and nauseous.

Uh. Hm. What to do...

I really want to go home.

Well, why don't you just go lie down in the call room for now? You'll be fine in an hour or so.

I really rather go home.

Oh, okay. You're going to miss sign-out though.

Oh darn.

Except I didn't say that last line. Even though I really wanted to.

I am so happy surgery is ending in T-2 days. Seriously, these people are a breed of their own.