Today I came to the startling realization that I've gone too long without posting my New Year's resolutions. I'm starting to feel Valentine's Day pains creeping up on me and that "holiday" is in February! So clearly, I gotta get my January posts done. Today, it's all about resoluting!
First and basically the main "resolution" on the list. I will get my lazy butt in gear. And that's not just about getting in shape. It applies to everything. I will stop procrastinating. I will blog more - get these (sometimes crazy) thoughts down on (virtual) paper more often. It's surprisingly therapeutic. I think I also need to take baby steps to just be more active. Start using the farther bathroom. Refusing to use the elevator when it's available. Walking to south campus instead of taking the shuttle (although, if it gets really cold, this one has gotta be exempt.) I got a aerobic dance workout DVD. First, laugh. It's okay, I did too. But, here's hoping it'll make me want to workout/stay somewhat in shape (and make me move like Paula Abdul - haha).
Secondly, I need to develop that kinder persona I know is lurking in my snarktastic soul. This past weekend, my RA was freaking out about how one of our new suitemates hasn't been seen this weekend. See, we got a new suitemate this quarter - a guy who at 24, bravely decided to come back to college and get his degree. I figured - he's 24! I'm sure he knows how to take care of himself and yes, I will admit, I thought my RA was a bit kooky for worrying so much over a 24-year old. But as she started to freak out more, I started getting a bit scared as well. I don't know him at all. How am I supposed to know how balanced he is? All I know is that he's transferred schools 4 times - which when brought to light, made all of us realize that he might have been sincerely depressed that he didn't receive a bid for a particular frat. Luckily, the story ends well. We broke into his room (and by that, I mean my RA received permission to open his door to make sure he hadn't killed himself), and found it empty. Sighs of relief all around. But the moment before she opened the door, I found myself freaking out that 1. I had been making fun of my RA for worrying so much, and 2. I had been saying mean things about my new suitemate as well after he ate some of our food. I mean, first off. I'm kinda really glad that my RA is so concerned about us. Maybe I was being glib by not worrying about where my suitemate was. Secondly. I need to be more giving. Sometime during college, I became very exacting. I bought lunch last time, so do you want to pick up the check this time? or you owe me six dollars and FIFTEEN cents. granted, if you gave me seven dollars, I would dole out change, so it wouldn't feel as though I had profited. But the point that I'm trying to make (albeit badly) is that I need to be more loving. Do things because I want to do them. Love my friends and show them I love them. Don't expect things in return.
Third. Stop caring so much about what people think. 2005 was such a crap year because I cared so much about how others perceived me. what! She hates me!? Who freaking cares. She might hate me, but I have other people who love me for all my faults. So. Who cares. I'm gonna do things my way. And I think I'll be happier because of it.
And yes, I realize that everything kinda sounds more like life goals than resolutions, so here's the last "fluffy" resolution. I will not drink so much soda. ie. I will limit myself to drinking sodas only under special circumstances (studying for finals, parties - where I drink mainly soda, not alcohol). Today I made coffee with an actual coffeemaker (none of that instant folgers junk) and I felt like such a grownup. It was exciting, trust me. I need to start doing more adult things. I'm graduating this year. I'm going to stop denying the adult in me, and start suppressing my childish tendencies. And so yes, I will stop inhaling soda.
Funny thing. When I started thinking about my resolutions for this year, I came up with a bunch. Stop swearing like a pirate. Be more ladylike. Stop spending so much money. And that only made me curse more and burp aloud (loudly) more often on my recent shopping spree. It's almost as though it's ingrained in me to break resolutions.
So I propose a tryout period. I never cut off price tags until I've worn the new jeans or the new sweater around the house for at least a couple of hours to make sure that I'm gonna want to keep them. Cause so often, I get in the dressing room, develop a novelty crush and buy it on a whim, only to end up wearing the shirt maybe once (if I'm lucky) in my life. So, similarly, I say I try on these resolutions...and amend them properly so that they're actually keep-able.
We'll see if I need a price check in two weeks.
4 years ago