Thursday, September 29, 2011

My reward for my awesome parallel parking job

I've gotten pretty good at driving recently. I can back into spots, maneuver around sharp turns, squeeze in between buses, drive over 70mph, and -- drumroll please -- I can even parallel park now.

I know. Shock. Gasp. Awe.

I'm an Asian girl...who can parallel park? But that's impossible, right?

But I can. And I did. Today, on my way to have coffee with an old friend (and I mean old as in we've been friends since middle school, not old as in my mother telling me I need to have children old), right across from the cafe we were going to, I saw a woman pull out of her parking spot.

Super excited to have such a prime spot, I parallel parked my way in, and paid my dollar an hour in quarters for the meter.

I had a grand ol' time catching up and complaining about intern year with my friend, and then, when we came out, there it was.

A parking ticket.

Are you kidding me? I couldn't believe it. I had checked my watch, so I knew exactly when the meter was going to run out. We were well within my time limit!

Then I saw the same thing on all the other cars parked around me.

So I let myself hope for a good thirty seconds. Oh, maybe it's just a flyer. An advertisement that someone came by and put on all the cars!

But nope.

Here it was.

A real life parking ticket.

I mean, I kinda knew I was due for a ticket. Driving three months, speeding away and running late to things? Yeah, I knew my karmic chances were just about up.

But a parking ticket?

How lame is that? A ticket for not anything sexy, like speeding to get to the hospital or running a red light to catch a flight. Nope. I got a violation for parking.

Now, before you guys think it's cause I parked in two spaces, had boxed someone in, or was twenty-five inches from the curb -- no, none of that applies. My parking job was flawless. A nice six inches from the curb, and smack dab in between the lines. It was beautiful, and it was perfect.

No, my parking violation was for street cleaning.


Sigh. Sixty-eight freaking dollars. Talk about the most expensive parking spot ever.