Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Don't ask me how I knew it was used

Why does this keep happening?

Yesterday night, I was the overnight intern on call. I finished up my admission at 2am, and then quickly ran over to the call room so that I could take a quick nap before my next admission hit the floor. My call room was like it always is. Simple sheet and a pillow. I stole some blankets from the unit, made my bed, took out my contacts, and pulled the sheet aside to jump in.


There was something on my bed.

Plastic. And circular-ish.

Now, my glasses are not at full strength, because I rarely wear them and can't afford new lenses. So I leaned closer to take a better look. And then I leaned even closer.

And that's when I realized there was a used condom on my call room bed.

It might have been the smell that tipped me off.

Or maybe it's because I touched it and it was a strange mixture of crusty and slimy.  Yeah.

To those readers wondering about my first sentence, yes, something similar has happened to me before.