I do know I should be studying, or making my PBL presentation, or memorizing seemingly endless lists of drugs, but instead I'm shopping online. Shopping! Online! Where I don't even know if things will fit! And if there's one thing I know about my body, it's this: it's weird and not very proportional, and things look funny on it, so I gotta try things on first.
But I'm still shopping. At new websites where I have never bought anything from before. And now, I'm so taken with this coat. And the big over-sized buttons. And the cute collar.
I'm so enamored that even though I know I don't have any money in my bank account and thus, can't buy it - I keep checking my wish-list every two hours to make sure my size doesn't sell out. And then when my size does inevitably sell out, because remember, the coat and its vintage over-sized buttons and cute collar, is ridiculously cute, what do I do? I freak out, and I buy it.
Yes. I bought it. A size too large, but I still bought it. Because it is still cute. The way I see it, now I can wear bulky sweaters underneath it, right?
Oy, I should be studying.