Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I have a dilemma and I need you all to weigh in to help me make this decision. I have 2 interviews on the same day, and unfortunately since I can't cut the baby in half (a la King Solomon), I need to decide which one to go to.

  • Pros: really awesome program (ranked #8 for psych), will get amazing training and will be able to diagnose and treat EVERYTHING when I finish, they're paying for my hotel, flights will be ~$120, they've also been actively recruiting me.
  • Cons: it's in freaking Rochester, MN. Seriously. SO MUCH SNOW. SO MANY MARRIED PEOPLE.

  • Pros: good program (unranked, but highly regarded), it's BOSTON!!!
  • Cons: got my invite now (read: I'm much lower on their prelim rank list), flight ~$350 (in addition to the $150 fee from American Airlines to cancel my flight to Mayo), hotels are also $200 a night - and I don't know anyone who can host me (J&V will be on their honeymoon). ACK, SO MUCH MONEY I DON'T HAVE.

So now, where do I go? What do I do? Vote now, because I'll need to tell them later today. Because while Boston just gave me the invite today, they also want me to RSVP by the end of the day as well. So considerate.

Also, I apologize if this post makes me sound like THAT guy from the forums. You know, the person who agonizes over whether to go to Mass Gen or John Hopkins or Stanford, when in reality, he's just trying to brag about all the awesome places he's got. That's not my intent at all. These two programs were definite surprises for me in that I didn't expect to get invites from them (in fact, my program director told me NOT to apply to these places as it'd just be a waste of money), and now I honestly don't know how to choose which one to go to. Anyway, just wanted to clear the air because I really don't mean to be Douchey McDoucherson, and I apologize if the above post came off as so.