Friday, December 03, 2010

My kind of town

So during my travels, I've taken to asking taxi drivers about the city I'm visiting, to get a better idea of what's there, what the locals tend to do, where I should visit, so on and so forth. All the cabbies have been super effusive, heaping praise over their respective fair cities. And then I got to Boston.

So sir, how long have you been in Boston?

Too long. Too long.

Aw, you can't mean that. You don't like Boston?

Well, Boston's fine. It's okay, you know? But I've been to a lot of other cities - New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, Chicago - oh Chicago! Now, THAT'S a great city. Beautiful, you know? Where you flying in from?

. . . um, Chicago.

Chicago! My beautiful Chicago!! Why are you here? I turn this car around and take you back to the airport, yeah??

Haha, no no. Just onwards to the hotel, thank you.

You're crazy for choosing Boston over Chicago. Crazy.