Wednesday, August 10, 2011


We just admitted a patient to our ward. He thinks he's Jesus Christ. He's also an ER doctor.

That's a strange delusion: to think you're God AND a doctor?

Oh, the doctor part's not a delusion. But I'm pretty sure the Jesus Christ part is.

Hm, strange. Are you sure he's not a surgeon? Those are usually the ones with the God complexes, you know.

He's smart. Really smart. Went to an amazing undergrad. Went to an even more amazing medical school. On a full scholarship. Seriously. Who is this kid? Five months into his intern year, he has his first psychotic break. His program forces him into an outpatient clinic; he's stabilized. Three months before graduation, and three months into moonlighting, he starts to exorcise demons from his patients. His program takes away his moonlighting privileges, but let him graduate.

And now he's my patient. 

It makes me just a little bit worried. I'm two months in, but hopefully not anywhere near to suffering my own first psychotic break.

P.S. Is it unethical to ask him to sign my prescriptions for me since I'm not fully licensed yet?