My friends and I are having a potluck thanksgiving, and of course, the task of cooking the actual bird fell to the ladies. Now, mind you, none of us have ever roasted a chicken, much less a turkey. But we have faith in ourselves. And very detailed step-by-step recipes.
So after much emailing back and forth about different recipes, which one did we choose?
Should we live out our Top Chef dreams and make a Tom Colicchio turkey? Or go with the tried and true Martha Stewart "Perfect Roast Turkey"? I mean, even Gwyneth Paltrow raves about it in her GOOP newsletter.
Well, we decided that for our very first turkey EVER, we were going to go with...
Yeah I know. We're such food connoisseurs, can't you tell? Apparently it works like this:
Step 1: Put frozen turkey in oven bag.

Yeah, I'm a little skeptical, but apparently it's not that far out there. I mean, there are even Reynolds Oven Bags that are specifically TURKEY SIZE.

I'm kinda super duper excited. But just in case, I'm hoarding all the Domino's pizza coupons I can find. I mean, we have to feed people after all.