Every now and then, you find something that you would totally buy for yourself if it weren't so perfect for someone else.
Today, I was browsing some holiday guides, trolling for The Perfect Gift, and then I found this website for
string doll key chains...each with its own name and "superpower." And not only were they cute, they were pretty much so perfect, I couldn't imagine my friends without them.
For my friend Ankur, who loves
The Simpsons, and sent everyone every single version of the SpiderPig song that he could find:

For my friend Amy who is an absolute dance STAR on stage (of course, I'd get it in the color green, not blue):

For my friend Jefferson, who reminds me of Paul Farmer, because he's going to save the world (and because he's Mormon):

For my little sister, who sits in her room with no lights on, and listens to angsty teen music:

And for my friend Jeff, who is happier being sad and moody than being happy (he and my sister would make a great couple):

For my best friend and roommate, Lisa, who not only has the best heart and intentions in the world, and also listens to all of my lovelorn problems and fixes them:

For my friend Rachel, who is Jewish, loves playing poker, but also could make a living out of playing soccer, I'd have to debate between these two:

And for my friend Neil, because his name is Neil (and I personally think this one is the cutest):

And then for Martin, as a thank you for dating someone who had an overactive pituitary gland as a child:

Too bad the price tag on these things isn't as adorable. Keep your fingers crossed for me that Cyber Monday will lead to a huge sale on these so that I can afford to stay in school and actually buy Christmas presents for my friends.